Coast Modern Film

Coast Modern Film

Coast Modern is an independent documentary by directors Mike Bernard and Gavin Froome. Travelling along the Pacific North West coastline...
West Vancouver Art Museum

West Vancouver Art Museum

The West Vancouver Art Museum fosters awareness and understanding of art, architecture and design through its exhibitions, publications, collections and educational programs. The art museum highlights important creators, innovators and significant events that shape the community, region and country.
North Shore Heritage Society

North Shore Heritage Society

The North Shore Heritage Society is a non-profit society representing heritage homeowners and supporters in the three adjoining municipalities on the north side of Burrard Inlet: the City of North Vancouver, the District of North Vancouver and the District of West Vancouver.
Arthur Erickson Foundation

Arthur Erickson Foundation

The Arthur Erickson Foundation seeks to recognize Arthur Erickson’s extraordinary achievements, and to encourage the open-minded yet rigorous thought and mentorship that inform great design.
Department of Interest

Department of Interest

Department of Interest is a real estate practice and editorial publication focused exclusively on properties that are home to good design.
Iconic Houses Network

Iconic Houses Network

Iconic Houses is the international network connecting architecturally significant houses and artists’ homes and studios from the 20th century.
The Cultural Landscape Foundation

The Cultural Landscape Foundation

A non-profit established in 1998, The Cultural Landscape Foundation® (TCLF) connects people to places. TCLF educates and engages the public to make our shared landscape heritage more visible, identify its value, and empower its stewards.


USModernist is committed to documenting, preserving, and promoting residential Modernist architecture.