Clever: A Podcast About Design

Clever: A Podcast About Design

Designer Amy Devers and Design Milk's Jaime Derringer have candid and revealing conversations with these super-smart people because, well, relating to the humans responsible for the objects and environments that shape our lives can help us all find more meaning in the world around us.
Design Matters

Design Matters

The world's first podcast about design and an inquiry into the broader world of creative culture through wide-ranging conversations with designers, writers, artists, curators, musicians, and other luminaries of contemporary thought.
Design Voice Podcast

Design Voice Podcast

Everyone has a design voice - but some are still outnumbered by others. The Design Voice Podcast seeks to elevate and amplify the voices of womxn in the architecture, engineering, and construction professions. Each episode features honest conversations with those who shape the built environment. By telling their stories, this podcast hopes to serve as a source of education, inspiration and empowerment. New episodes are released the first and third Wednesday of each month.
Prairie Design Lab

Prairie Design Lab

Prairie Design Lab is a podcast on ideas, design, and culture, organized as a part of the Cultural Events at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Manitoba in collaboration with Terry MacLeod.
Prairie Design Lab: Cornelia Hahn Oberlander

Prairie Design Lab: Cornelia Hahn Oberlander

[2021, 35m] The Prairie Design Lab welcomes Dr. Hilary Letwin and Amery Calvelli to talk about the story of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander?—?one of the great­est land­scape archi­tects of the mod­ern era. We hear the sto­ry of her escape from Nazi Ger­many, her ear­ly land­scape works in Philadel­phia pub­lic hous­ing, her stun­ning park at Expo 67, her inno­va­tion at Canada’s Nation­al Gallery and the North­west Ter­ri­to­ries Leg­is­la­ture, and her pio­neer­ing green roofs at Van­cou­ver’s Rob­son Square and Pub­lic Library.
Time Sensitive: Tom Kundig

Time Sensitive: Tom Kundig

[2019, 1hr 6m] Tom Kundig on the Parallels Between Mountain Climbing and Architecture. Kundig’s open-minded, wabi-sabi energy rings loud and clear. He discusses his early years as a climber; his incredible ascent in architecture; his profound learnings from his mentor, the sculptor Harold Balazs; and his deep passions for, among other things, wine, Japanese design, and hot rods. Interview by Spencer Bailey.
Prairie Design LabPrairie Design LabPrairie Design Lab