Are we too safe; have we gone too far with the building code? 

Building regulations are in place for many good reasons, including keeping residents and first responders safe. At the end of 2023, the BC Government announced adjustments to the Building Code. They are aiming to “right-size” the code, mostly through seismic and accessibility provisions. But, with ambitious housing supply goals, are the proposed reforms enough or are the years of accrued regulations getting in the way of good and affordable housing design?

The debate will be moderated by Frances Bula, an award winning journalist specializing in urban issues and city politics in the Vancouver region, which she has covered since 1994. She writes for the Globe and Mail’s B.C. section and Report on Business. She has written for the Vancouver Sun, BCBusiness, Canadian Architect, Canadian Business, Georgia Straight, and countless more publications.

This event has been approved by the AIBC for 1.5 Core Learning Units.

Urbanarium–SALA City Debates

Urbanarium-SALA CityDebates are back after a two-year hiatus. Join us for another season for Oxford-style debates on timely issues facing Metro Vancouver. Each night two teams face off to argue for and against controversial positions. The pair that successfully changes the most minds wins!

Event Details

City Debate #16: Reduce Building Code Regulations
March 26, 2024 | 7:00–8:30pm
UBC Robson Square
800 Robson Street
Vancouver, BC

City Debate #16: Reduce Building Code Regulations – 2024.03.26City Debate #16: Reduce Building Code Regulations – 2024.03.26City Debate #16: Reduce Building Code Regulations – 2024.03.26